Friday, December 26, 2008


Wow. So, after this weekend I'll be back in Budapest, steeling myself for real winter and making a good and concerted effort at getting the PhD proposal down and finished. Until then, here's a little look at what Christmas looked like this end.

I took a slight return to UEA and made off with a Dr.

Returned to Hull just in time for The Rocky Nest's Christmas special.

My mother tried aubergine for the first time.

I spent Christmas Eve at Han n' Lee's, as is traditional.

The rounds on Christmas day.

It's been a tremendously disorientating two weeks, with quite a lag in location between brain and body. We return - which feels a little prohibited, like going back on a holiday that's just ended - one of us now a Dr., the other inching a little closer, maybe, but mostly dead, dead pleased to have the chance to go back to do a long stretch there. Trying to trick the human's surprisingly easy adaptation to unfamiliar environments (that almost disappoints with its lack of A-Effect) I had planned to make lists of things relevant and helpful to our fledgling life there with the benefit of the outsider's perspective gleaned from two weeks away. This clever attempt at double crossing failed, however, so I'll just have to try to remember my contact lenses and let the rest slide.

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